K-6th: Through after-school programs at 10 schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, the outreach has served over 600 students to date, many in economically disadvantaged school districts.

*A self-assembled working motor model was introduced into a library program in Newark, California. The children build their mini motors entirely from scratch and learned basic principles of electricity and magnetism.

*An adaptation of the sunflower model, using materials available in the U. S. was introduced in after-school and library programs in California and Mexico.
*The commercially available Thames and Cosmos solar car kit, was introduced to the 8th grade STEM classes at the junior high school in Newark, California. To date, over 200 students have participated in the program.
STEM educational Cooperative with Mexico:

With the dual goal of bringing education and hope to orphaned children in Mexico, the California solar sunflower project was taken to 80 children living in group homes in Ensenada. By recruiting volunteers from California to finance and deliver the models and teach the children in the orphanage basic STEM concepts, this day-long program united different cultures in cooperative education and solar energy awareness.
Local & Global Outreach